• Clock sync: Synchronization signal to synchronize ADC measurements with EDBG.
Measurement Ranges and Accuracy
The XAM has the following four measurement ranges, which are defined by two shunt resistors and two gain stages
as provided in the table below:
Table 3-2. XAM Measurement Ranges and Accuracy
Resolution Accuracy
Range 1
Low-current shunt and high-
gain stage
20 nA
1 LSB ±1% Below 1 µA the error will increase.
Typical error for 300 nA is 1 LSB
Range 2
Low-current shunt and low-
gain stage
150 nA
1 LSB ±1%
Range 3
High-current shunt and high-
gain stage
10 μA
1 LSB ±1%
Range 4
High current shunt and low
gain stage
100 μA
1 LSB ±1%
Above 100 mA the error will
increase to 1 LSB ±5% at 400 mA.
Maximum current is 400 mA
The ranges are switched automatically by the XAM to achieve best measurement results and the current active range
is visualized in the MPLAB Data Visualizer front end tool. The maximum voltage drops over the shunt resistor is 100
mV, and the XAM will switch the range automatically before this limit is reached.
PIC32CM LE00/LS00/LS60
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