Figure 5-2. Attaching Pin-Headers to the Curiostiy Nano Board
Figure 5-3. Connecting to Curiosity Nano Base for Click boards
Start at one end of the pin header and gradually insert the header along the length of the board.
Once all the pins are in place, use a flat surface to push them in.
For applications where the pin headers will be used permanently, it is still recommended to solder
them in place.
Once the pin headers are in place, they are hard to remove by hand. Use a set of pliers and
carefully remove the pin headers to avoid damage to the pin headers and PCB.
Multi-Voltage I/O
The AVR128DB48 Curiosity Nano MCU has support for Multi-Voltage I/O (MVIO). AVR128DB48 MVIO pins are
connected to the
at PC0-PC7. MVIO pins are capable of regular I/O-pin behavior.
MVIO can be configured in one of two supply modes:
• Single-Supply mode: All I/O pins, including MVIO-capable pins, are powered by VCC_TARGET. By default,
VCC_TARGET is connected to VDDIO2 through a 0-ohm resistor (R204).
• Dual-Supply mode: MVIO-capable pins are powered by an external power supply connected to VDDIO2. Non-
MVIO pins are powered by VCC_TARGET.
Dual-Supply mode allows MVIO-pins to be powered at different voltages than pins powered from VCC_TARGET.
AVR128DB48 Curiosity Nano
Hardware User Guide
2020 Microchip Technology Inc.
User Guide
DS50003037A-page 27