The Microchip SmartConnect mobile application is used for implementing the Alert Notification service
and can be used for demonstrating an example application. This example application supports missed
call alert notification and SMS alert notification.
The device implements the GATT client, which reads (or notifies) about the characteristic values received
from the GATT server (the mobile phone). The device must be paired with an Android phone. A missed
call or SMS alert notifications can be enabled/disabled, once connection is established. The Microchip
SmartConnect application notifies a missed call or SMS alert, which are then displayed on the terminal
console on the device side.
The “SW0” user button on the supported platform is programmed in such a way that each successive
button press either enables or disables the notifications.
Multi-Role Peripheral Multi-Connect Application
The Multi-Role Peripheral Multi-Connect application demonstrates the ATSAMB11-MR/ZR to have eight
simultaneous active connections. The ATSAMB11-MR/ZR supports multiple roles, such as GAP
peripheral device with battery service and GAP central device with Find Me locator profile at the same
time. It also supports multiple connections, such as GAP peripheral device with battery service that can
connect with seven GAP central devices simultaneously.
The Multi-Role Peripheral Multi-Connect application initially starts advertising using connectable
advertisement packets as a GAP peripheral and if any device sends a connection request, application
gets connected to the remote device and exchanges the data on the established link. If the connection
request from the device is not sent within a minute, then the application initiates to scan the devices and
initiates a connection to the peripheral device, which advertises using connectable advertisement
packets. The ATSAMB11-MR/ZR is exchanging the data as a GAP central once the link is established.
Again, the Multi-Role application is started to advertise using connectable advertisement packets as a
GAP peripheral and gets connected to the remote device, which sends a connection request and
exchanges the data on the new link established. The process continues until the Multi-Connection
application reaches eight connections.
L2CAP Throughput Application
The L2CAP Throughput example application supports the L2CAP central feature and the L2CAP
peripheral feature.
Health Thermometer Profile Application
The Health Thermometer Profile (HTP) enables the data collection device to obtain data from a
thermometer sensor that exposes the health thermometer service. The profile defines the following roles:
Thermometer – Device to measure temperature
Collector – Device to receive temperature measurement and other data from a thermometer
The thermometer implements only one Health Thermometer service in addition to the Device Information
Service to display the information about the thermometer device. The current HTP application implements
the following characteristics:
Temperature measurement
Intermediate temperature
Measurement interval
2017 Microchip Technology Inc.
User Guide
DS70005335A-page 12