Section 3: Running an ITC Experiment
3.7 Using the ThermoVac for Cleaning the ITC
Sample Cell
The ThermoVac may be used to flush copious amounts of detergent solution followed by a
thorough rinse with distilled water.
Insert the Cell Cleaning Apparatus into the Adapter, until the top flange is touching the top of
the Adapter (see below).
Insert the long needle into the Sample cell and push down carefully until the o’ring has
sealed, as shown below.
The end of the plastic tubing from the upper tube of the Cell cleaning Apparatus is immersed
into a beaker of 200-400 ml of detergent cleaning solution.
The end of the plastic tubing from lower tube is connected to a one liter vacuum flask
through the #8 rubber stopper.
The side arm of the vacuum flask is attached to the Vacuum Port of the ThermoVac. Your
Setup up should look like below.