Assemble the Tower System, ensuring that
the ‘Primary Side of each module is plugged
into the Primary elevator board.
The TWR-LCD-RGB elevator is the
‘Secondary’ side elevator in this stack.
Insert the Power (Barrel type) connector
for the FTM-3SE module and turn on the
power. Note that the FTM-3SE does not
power up until power is detected from the
rest of the Tower system – this mode is set
by Jumper JP4. Please ensure that power
is applied via the Barrel connector prior to
powering the rest of the tower, otherwise
some bus contention may occur.
Insert the Mini-USB cable into the
TWR-K70’s power / debug connector, but
leave the computer end of the cable out of
the computer for now (unpowered).
Insert a Micro-SD card into the
TWR-K70 board with the FTM3SECI.BIN file
on it. This is the file that contains the Xilinx
Logic design that gets loaded into the FPGA.
Demonstration code
Requirements: CodeWarrior Eclipse Version 10.5.
If you have not already installed CodeWarrior, install this now, along with the drivers for the OSJTAG flash / debug
interface. Import the fb_xil_demo project into your workspace: