For Textile Strap usage:
For Techfit Shirt usage:
2. The electrodes on the strap should be
centered on your chest with the adidas logo on
the front of the module positioned right side up
(i.e. facing upwards). This is the same for the
adidas sensing apparel.
2. The shirt should be fit tightly with no folds
around your upper body (pull the shirt
completely down while wearing it).
3. Adjust the Textile Transmitter Strap to fit
tightly just below your pectoral muscles or
breasts on your torso, against the skin. The
strap should not dangle or move during activity.
3. The X_CELL device on your neck should be
centered in between your shoulder in the
center of your upper body.
For heart rate use:
The Textile Transmitter Strap must be snuggly
fitted and the sensor fabrics must be properly
moistened in order to pick up the heart rate (if
applicable) (see point 2).
4.For heart rate use:
Make sure the heart rate sensors on the front
of the Techfit shirt lie flat on the rib cage and
don’t shift around as you move. The electrodes
should be moistened in order to pick up your
heart rate before working out.
5. Wear the X_CELL strapped to your body for a few minutes prior to your workout.
Lotions or oil between the skin and the strap/shirt may interfere with conductivity, so you
may need to gently cleanse the skin to remove any residue.
Check that sizing instructions have been followed. Does the strap/shirt fit snugly? Is the
heart rate sensor of the shirt flat on the rib cage?
Is the harness still well attached to the shirt? No peeling of the edges?