3. Electromagnetic Capability
3.1 Electromagnetic field immunity test according to IEC 61000-4-3:1995
3.2 Power frequency magnetic field immunity test according to IEC
Product Description and Application
WBI415S91 converts AC input current into a load independent output signal RMS
0-5V. It has adopted electromagnetic isolation principle for real time measurement
of AC current from electric net or electric circuit.
The product has certain advantages of total galvanic isolation between input/output,
high accuracy, low drifting by temperature, and wide temperature bearable range,
Product Dimensional Drawing (unit: mm)
Mianyang Weibo Electronics Co.,Limited
No.7 Road Second part of Xianren Road, Youxian District, Mianyang City, P.R. China
Tel: 86-0816-2971265 Fax: 86-016-2281934
www.wb-my.com wbdz@yahoo.cn