The TC-1 thermocouple display unit is a 4 channel 2 1/4” instrument that contains all the features necessary to monitor
EGT’s and CHT’s. The instrument is fully programmable by the user resulting in the most flexible solution available. It
contains 6 different display screens to allow easy customization. The TC-1 can be configured to group EGT’s/CHT’s to
common settings or each thermocouple channel can be independently setup for temperature ranges as well as alarms
and probe types.
The TC-1’s high accuracy is due to it’s built in thermocouple linearization curves and cold junction compensation
techniques. Temperature probes can be common J, K or E type thermocouple probes as used in CHT or EGT sensors.
Temperatures can be displayed in degrees Celsius or degrees Fahrenheit from -100ºC to 1200ºC (-148ºF to 2192ºF).
Each channel also offers a programmable high alarm.
The TC-1 also records maximum temperatures reached for each channel in permanent memory.
1 Features
• 6 different display modes
• Supports J, K and E thermocouple probes
• Temperatures can be displayed in degrees C or degrees F from -100ºC to 1200ºC (-148ºF to 2192ºF)
• High accuracy: Built in thermocouple linearization curves and cold junction compensated
• Records maximum temperatures reached for each channel in permanent memory
• Standard 2 1/4” aircraft enclosure (can be front or rear mounted)
• Rotary control plus 2 independent buttons for easy menu navigation and user input
• External alarm output as well as a red LED illuminates when the alarm has been activated
• Large backlit graphic LCD with adjustable contrast
• Wide input supply voltage range of 8 to 30V DC with built in voltage reversal and over voltage protection
for harsh electrical environments
• Light weight design
• 1 year limited warranty
One to four channel thermocouple
temperature display
Operating Manual – English 1.06