MexAir RC
Construction of the
LEDs (LED Boards supplied with this kit can be run direct to 4S LiPo power without any
voltage regulator)
The preinstalled LED power leads feed through the body of the frame and exit the
frame conveniently below the PDB position. Do not permanently connect the power
side of the leads to the PDB or power source at this time. Permanent installation
should be done after final placement of the PDB, any necessary voltage regulators,
and speed controls.
Place the main frame body upside down. First, gently push the LED wires a slight
amount into the wire exit hole and then pull gently to see how much slack wire you
have to work with. Note the slack amount. Strip the remaining insulation leaving the
amount of insulation you determined as slack.
Cut the excess bare wire leaving about ¼” bare. Tin the bare end.
If your kit was supplied with single color wires, trace the wire from the LED location
to the planned source end with an ohm-meter. Mark both the positive (+) and
negative (-) wire ends at the main body hole (the large elongated hole). You can
always trace the polarity later during the build if you forget to do it now. If supplied
with colored wires, the red (or white) wire will always be intended as the positive (+).
The other wire is the negative (-).
Solder the LED board to the wires paying attention to the proper polarity. Measure
and cut a small strip of supplied double backed tape the same size as the LED board.
[This is very sticky stuff! You may want to handle it with the tip of a small hobby
knife blade rather than your fingers.] Apply the sticky side between the wire holes
on the body underside. Remove the remaining tape backing.
At this time you should be able to push the soldered wires of the assembly slightly
into the body so the board will lay flat to the tape. Readjust as necessary.
Verify that the bare metal of your solder joint is not touching the carbon frame body
and the board is fully insulated from the body by the tape.
Wires Fully Extended
Partially into Body
Insulation Stripped
Soldered to Board
Double Backed Tape Applied to
Bottom of Board or Frame
Tape Backing
Removed, wires
pushed into holes &
LEDs Pressed Into