4.4.3 Slow synchronisation/SLOW
Various cameras feature slow flash synchronisati-
on in certain modes. This setting will give added
prominence to the background at lower ambient
light levels. This is achieved by matching the shut-
ter speed to the ambient light. Accordingly, shutter
speeds that are slower than the camera’s sync
speed are automatically adjusted by the camera.
Some cameras automatically activate SLOW syn-
chronisation in connection with certain camera
programs (e.g. „Av“ aperture priority, night shots
program, etc.). No settings are made on the
mecablitz nor is there any display for this mode.
Use a tripod to avoid camera shake with
slow shutter speeds!
Flash techniques
Tecniche lampo
Técnicas de destello
701 47 0109-A1 44 AF-3 GB-I-E 28.05.2008 10:05 Uhr Seite 34