2 .
This manual presents all the relevant technical information for the Metron Accusonic
Plus Ultrasound Therapy Unit. This information is provided as a service to medical,
paramedical, engineering and technical personnel. This information is intended for the
fair purposes of evaluation, maintenance and repair of the Accusonic. It is provided as
commercial-in-confidence material to the distributor or equipment purchaser and shall
not be made available to any other organisation or person without the specific written
permission of Metron Medical Australia Pty Ltd. Refer to the Metron Accusonic Plus
Operator Manual for operator information.
All functions of the schematic diagram are described. Necessary preventative
maintenance calibration adjustments are described in detail. Recommended electrical
safety inspection procedures are discussed.
While every attempt has been made to ensure that this manual is accurate and
complete, no responsibility is taken for any errors or omissions. Specifications and
component types are subject to change without notice.
If you, as a user of this manual, have any relevant comments or questions, your
communication with us would be welcomed. You may contact us by mail or fax as
detailed below:
Metron Medical Australia Pty Ltd
P.O. Box 2164
(03) 9775 1990 from within Australia
+61 3 9775 1990 International.
The Accusonic Plus generates continuous and pulsed wave ultrasound. The ultrasonic
transducer in the ultrasonic treatment applicator is driven by an approximately
sinusoidal voltage derived from a micro-computer generated 1 MHz or 3 MHz signal
and tuned power amplifier. The amplitude of the transducer drive voltage determines
the ultrasonic power output. This power output is controlled by the power supply
voltage to the tuned power amplifier. The ultrasonic power output is proportional to the
square of the power supply voltage. The necessary parameters to control the supply
voltage to appropriate levels are stored in the connector of the treatment applicators.
The power supply voltage is generated by a programmable power supply which
employs a monolithic switch - mode voltage regulator. This supply is controlled by a
pulse width modulated signal generated by the microcontroller.
This microcontroller also performs a number of other operations crucial to the device. It
processes all the keyboard functions and drives all the 7 segment displays. It also acts
as the treatment timer and drives the audible alarm.
Metron Accusonic Plus
Version 1.6
March 2002
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