A 1588
Multi range AC current clamps
Current clamps operation
Operation Instructions
Figure 2: Current clamps A 1588 - connection to the measuring instrument
Step 1
Connect A 1588 current clamps output connector to the appropriate (Metrel Power series)
measuring instrument’s current input terminal
.(See figure 2)
Do not connect clamp output elsewhere than to Metrel PQ series of measuring
instruments (Energy Master MI 2883, Master Q4 MI 2885 and Power Master MI 2892)!
Step 2
Switch on the measuring instrument. Set Smart clamps and range
on instrument’s measuring
(For further information see Instruction manual of measuring instrument.)
Step 3
Clamp the probe around the current-carrying conductor(s) to be measured. Make sure that
probe jaws are tightly closed around the conductor(s).
Do not extend hands over safety barrier to prevent of electric shock! Only handles
are allowed to be touched during measurement!
Do not use the current clamp if any damage is noticed!
Consider all generally known precautions in order to avoid risk of electric shock
while dealing with electric installations!
Step 4