2 Product Description
The DMI15 is an IoT HF RFID reader/writer for demanding industrial applications, where
high reading reliability, speed and extensive special tag features are needed.
The DMI15 communicates via LAN and can be powered over Ethernet (PoE) making the
integration in IoT systems real plug and play, especially when used in conjunction with the
metraTec IoT Engine software.
Highlights include a reading rate of up to 100 tag-IDs/sec and reading and writing data on
tags without needing to address them individually. This allows applications directly at
conveyor belts, in production machinery and in electric control cabinets. The communication
protocol can be used from a normal PC with a full operating system, with embedded
systems as well as with a PLC.
2.1 Intended Use
RFID Reader/Writer for wireless communication with passive RFID transponders according
to ISO 15693.
Technical Documentation metraTec DMI15
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