Micro Rain Radar MRR-2
10.2010 Valid for MRR Service Version ≥
Safety Precautions
To operate the MRR-2 a mains voltage of 210-240 VAC is needed for the
power supply. An improper handling can be dangerous to you. Only
competent and instructed persons should work with this system or with
parts of it.
The outdoor installation must not be performed in case of an approach-
ing thunderstorm, to avoid a possibly endangering of personnel by
There are not known any health hazards originating from the emitted
electromagnetic radiation of about 50 mW. Nevertheless you should
take care that everybody keeps out of the beam above the antenna
(parabolic dish) when it is in operation.
All connecting cables, plugs, and couplings of the MRR-2 are not inter-
changeable to prevent any erroneous assembly. This safety precaution
is disabled if other types of plugs are installed by the user. Therefore
any guarantee explicitly expires and METEK accepts no responsibility
for injuries to persons, damage of equipment or other consequences
connected with not authorized changing of connectors, cables or other
parts of the system.
Depending on regional rules for the use of electromagnetic transmitters
frequency permission might be necessary. The operator of the system
will be liable for the achievement of such permission. However METEK
will be of help with providing adequate information. Copies of the certi-
fications for Germany can be found in chapter 6 of this manual.