Conventional Products—6424 Projected Beam Type Smoke Detector 11
Installation Procedures
This section contains installation information for the 6424 long distance
projected beam type smoke detectors. Instructions are given for mounting,
wiring, installing, and aligning the detector, and basic sensitivity
information is provided.
Install a ceiling or wall bracket for both the receiver and transmitter so
that when mounted, the receiver and the transmitter will be at
approximately the same height.
Assemble each ceiling bracket with the inside part between the ceiling
and the outside part as shown (Figure 5).
Mount the brackets so that the slot in the front of each bracket is
facing the other bracket.
Mount the brackets only on solid structures of the building.
To avoid unwanted alarms due to wall movement, do not mount to
flexible walls, such as sheet metal walls.
Mount the brackets with a separation of at least 30 feet but not more
than 330 feet.
d tallbly
C e ilin g
In sid e P a rt
S lo t in F ro n t
o f B ra cke t
O u tsid e P a rt
C e ilin g
S cre w s
Figure 5: Ceiling Mounting Bracket Assembly