pg. 9
Runtime Menus
These menus are shown after the setup menus. Each menu described below applies to two channels inde-
pendently. The menus include:
Mode -
The Mode menu controls whether the ULC-2 output is continuous DC current, DC voltage, or
DC Current
- The DC current menu controls the ULC- 2 out p ut from 20mA to the Current Limit value
set in the Setup menus. This menu ap-
pears only when the mode is set to DC
DC Voltage
- The DC Voltage menu controls the ULC-2 output from 3V to the Voltage DC Limit value
set in the Setup menus. This menu appears only when the mode is set to DC Voltage.
Strobe Pulse Current
- The Pulse current menu controls the ULC-2 output from .1 Amps to the
Pulse Current Limit value set in the Setup menus. This menu appears only when the mode is set to Strobe.
Strobe Pulsewidth
- The St robe Pulsewidth menu controls the ULC-2 output from 2 microseconds
to the Strobe Pulsewidth Limit value set in the Setup menus. This menu
appears only when the mode is set to Strobe.
Strobe Minimum Period
- The Strobe Minimum Period menu controls the ULC-2 output from 60
msec down to the minimum value set by Strobe Minimum Period Limit
value set in the Setup menus. This menu appears only when the mode is
set to Strobe. The ULC-2 controller ignores trigger inputs faster than the
Strobe Minimum Period.