VP Essentials Sensor User Manual (Rev. A)
Mesa Labs, Inc.
12100 W. 6th Avenue
Lakewood, CO 80228 USA
Tel: 303-565-2724
If the sensor is going to be shipped, place the sensor into deep sleep mode. Use the VPx Configuration
Utility to set the sensor to deep sleep mode. Refer to the VPx Configuration Utility Manual for
Log Term Storage
If the sensor is not going to be used for a large period of time, remove the batteries before long-term
Sensor Modes
Fast Transmit Mode
When the sensor is placed in Fast Transmit Mode, it will transmit more frequently for 15 minutes. After
15 minutes the sensor will go back to its normal logging mode. To place the sensor in Fast Transmit
Mode, press the push button twice within one second. The sensor will turn on the LED for 10 seconds.
After the 15 minutes expires, the sensor will transmit at its normal configured cadence. If the push
button is pressed twice within one second while in fast transmit mode, the sensor will continue with fast
transmit mode for another 15 minutes. For more information about location of the push button and
LED, see section 6.1 User Interface.