- Event Action
* Relay out
* E-mail notification
- Setup the User ID that want to receive the each event.
-Press “ ADD” button.
- After selecting added user ID, select the each event
(Sensor(Alarm), Videoloss, Motion, Storage and User
Defined Event) and then check the Activation on /off.
- Registered User can be deleted by Pressing the
‘DELETE” button.
- Select the event that want to assign the action.
- Select the Activation on/off.
- Active state: Select the operation type(High / Low)
- Dwell: Select the type and Action Time.
Transparent : It work from Event start time to Event end
Latched : It work during selected period.
(1 ~300 second and until pressing any key)
* Remote client notification
- When happen the selected event, it notify the event to
Remote client.
- Press “ ADD” button.
- After selecting added user ID, select the each event
(Sensor(Alarm), Videoloss, Motion, Storage and User
Defined Event) and then check the Activation on /off.
- Registered User can be deleted by Pressing the
‘DELETE” button.