1. Introduction
This document provides the USB Dynamic Industrial Interface Specifications, including all function
calls, and operating procedures.
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2. Features
The USB Dynamic Industrial Interface (USBDII) was created to provide a standard way to access
the functionality provided by all USB data acquisition products. Specifically, the USBDII provides
the following features:
The library is compatible under Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000, windows XP, Vista,
and Win7. The compatibility under these operation systems guarantees that programs written for
either operating system will work unchanged on the other, even without recompilation.
Abstracts Card Functionality from Card Design
The interface concentrates on a card’s functionality and hides the user from having to know
specifics about the card design, for example, which port needs to be accessed in order to access
specific functionality. All details of the card implementation are hidden from the user.
Multiple Device Support
You could access device by its name or by its information (device type, id index).
Programming Language Independent
The library provides a language independent way to access the USB industrial I/O cards, by using
a Dynamic-Link-Library architecture.