Installing Add-on Cards
This mainboard has five 32-bit PCI (Peripheral Components Interconnect)
expansion slots, one 4xAGP slot, and one CNR (Communications and Net-
working Riser) slot.
AGP Slot
The 4x AGP slot is used to install a graphics adapter that supports
the 4xAGP specification and has a 4x AGP edge connector.
The 4x AGP slot only supports 1.5V 4x AGP and 2x AGP cards.
PCI Slots
You can install 32-bit PCI interface expansion cards in PCI slots.
Slot1 only supports PC2 Slave mode. It is recommended you give
first priority to PCI 2~5 slots while inserting cards.
CNR Slot
This slot is used to insert CNR (Communications and Networking
Riser) cards including LAN, Modem, and Audio functions.
Before installing an add-on card, check the documentation for the card
carefully. If the card is not Plug and Play, you may have to manually con-
figure the card before installation.