90-826883R2 JUNE 1998
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Inspection and Maintenance Schedule
Before Each Use
1. Check that lanyard stop switch stops the engine.
2. Visually inspect the fuel system for deterioration or leaks.
3. Check outboard for tightness on transom.
4. Check steering system for binding or loose components.
5. Visually check steering link rod fasteners for proper tightness.
6. Check propeller blades for damage.
After Each Use
1. Flush out the outboard cooling system if operating in salt or polluted water.
2. Wash off all salt deposits and flush out the exhaust outlet of the propeller and gear
case with fresh water if operating in salt water.
Every 100 Hours of Use or Once Yearly, Whichever Occurs First
1. Lubricate all lubrication points. Lubricate more frequently when used in salt water.
2. Inspect and clean spark plugs.
3. Check fuel line filter for contaminants.
4. Check carburetor adjustments, if required.
5. Check corrosion control anodes. Check more frequently when used in salt water.
6. Drain and replace gear case lubricant.
7. Lubricate splines on the drive shaft.
8. Electric start models -- Inspect battery.
9. Remote control models -- Check control cable adjustments.
10. Remove engine deposits with Quicksilver Power Tune Engine Cleaner.
11. Check tightness of bolts, nuts, and other fasteners.
12. Clean fuel tank pick up filter.
Every 300 Hours of Use or Three Years
1. Replace water pump impeller (more often if overheating occurs or reduced water
pressure is noted).*
These items should be serviced by an authorized dealer.