Getting started
The Voice Control System gives you the ca-
pability to control the following systems on
your vehicle using spoken commands:
Audio (radio, CD player (Audio-CD,
MP3-CD) and CD changer* (Audio-CD,
You control these systems using spoken
commands. Moreover, controls such as
the buttons on the multifunction steering
wheel (
page 6) allow you to keep your
hands on the steering wheel.
The command vocabulary consists of
approximately 250 ready to use phrases.
The Voice Control System recognizes com-
mands and number sequences, irrespec-
tive of the speaker. To optimize speech
recognition for your voice follow the indi-
vidualization process (
page 31).
The commands and digit sequences can be
spoken without pausing between the indi-
vidual words. If an unavailable or incorrect
command is used, the Voice Control Sys-
tem will prompt you for a new command by
asking “Please repeat” or announcing “No
such device”.
In order to provide for a safe and comfort-
able dialog, the Voice Control System ac-
knowledges important commands.
The Voice Control commands can be cate-
gorized as:
General Commands
These are commands always available
to you as soon as the Voice Control
System is activated (for example
“Help” commands).
Local Commands
These are commands available only for
the currently active system (for exam-
ple commands to control the CD play-
For a complete list of commands
page 22).
During Voice Control System operation visu-
al help windows also appear in the COMAND dis-
play (
page 30).
The active system is the system currently
shown in the COMAND display.
If, for example, you listen to the radio while
the telephone system is active on the
COMAND display, you have to switch to
the radio using the command “Radio” be-
fore you can operate the radio.
With the command "Map" you can switch to
the Navigation* map on the COMAND display at
any time.
Command types
Active system