Overall vehicle
Introduction of the New Vito/Viano, Model Series 639
Seat rails
The rails consist of a single piece of extruded
aluminum section in a new design with air line rail
punching to transfer forces. They are no longer fitted
with a removable cover and are protected by rubber
profiles up to the groove to prevent damage to the
rails. The new end caps are matched to the rail profile
and fit flush with the rail.
Should the rubber profiles become damaged or
destroyed, they can be replaced without the need to
disassemble the rail. All seat functions have been
The optimized sliders make for improved operational
safety and force transmission and prevent incorrect
positioning of the seats while minimizing the risk of
rail damage.
Rear air conditioning
Up to now, the controls for the rear air conditioning
were located in the rear compartment headliner at the
front left. In the new Vito/Viano, the rear air condi-
tioning control panel is now accessible for the driver
as well. It has been integrated into the overhead
control panel.
An amber colored display shows all the settings,
including the set temperature.
Rear vents
The rear vents have been redesigned. The slats can
now be completely closed. The air flow adjustment
range has been expanded.
The control wheels for horizontal and vertical air flow
adjustment are now located outside the slat area. The
holder for the load safety net has been given a lock-
able sliding cover.
New side wall lining has made it possible to reduce
intake noise by up to 6 dB.
Overhead control panel
Rear air conditioning controls and display
Seat rails
Seat rail
Rubber profile
End cap
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