Start route guidance.
Route guidance is started.
"Stop route guidance"
You can use this command to stop route guid-
Example of dialogue:
Cancel route guidance
Stopping route guidance.
"Resume route guidance"
You can use this command to restart route
guidance after it has been interrupted.
Example of dialogue:
Resume route guidance.
Resuming route guidance.
Making changes to the route
You can use the following commands to make
changes to a route that has already been cal-
culated. You can select certain categories:
Take toll road
Avoid motorways
Take recommended route
Take shortest route
Alternate route
Recalculate route
Example of dialogue:
Take shortest route
Re-routing to take shortest route.
Address book
Points to remember
Operating the integrated information systems
and communications equipment in the vehicle
while driving will distract you from traffic con-
ditions. You could then lose control of the
vehicle. There is a risk of an accident.
Only operate these devices if road traffic con-
ditions permit. If you are unsure about the
surrounding conditions, pull over to a safe
location and make entries only while the vehi-
cle is stationary.
You can use the address book to store per-
sonal information in the form of entries.
You can use LINGUATRONIC to dial a phone
number stored in the address book or to start
route guidance to a stored address.
Entries in the Yomigana field of the address
book can be recognised by LINGUATRONIC.
Recognition of the address book entries
depends on the names entered.
During selection, you can say a tag in the fol-
lowing ways:
first name only
surname only
first name and surname
surname and first name
Check the address book entries for the fol-
the name entries, e.g. surname and first
name, are in the correct fields
do not use abbreviations or acronyms
avoid unnecessary spaces in names
do not use special characters
use Katakana for the Yomigana field.
You can use LINGUATRONIC to:
call a name
read out the address book
read out the destination memory
page 21)
open the address book
Address book
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Страница 3: ...さくいん 4 概要 7 各部の名称 9 コントロール 13 音声コマンドリスト 31 実用的なアドバイス 39 個人の設定 43 3 ...
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Страница 11: ... 6 X W 8 音声認識の開始 X X X 音声認識の中断 継続 音声認識を中断する X 音声認識を継続する X 音声認識の中止 X X X 音量の調整 X X X W X X ヘルプ機能 概要 11 ...
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Страница 44: ...ヘルプ表示 ヘルプ表示のオン オフを切り替える X W X X Q X O ª 音声認識学習 i i 新しい音声認識学習を開始する X W X X Q Q X R R 44 音声認識学習 ...
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Страница 87: ...Troubleshooting 38 37 Practical advice ...
Страница 90: ...40 ...
Страница 91: ...Help window 42 Individualisation 42 Changing the language setting 43 41 Personal settings ...
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