Introduction of the New GLK-Class (USA), Introduction into Service Manual for Model Series 204
Front end
In order to ensure that the vehicle structure absorbs
the largest possible amount of energy in a frontal colli-
sion, the crumple zones and force transmission
patterns have been consistently designed in accor-
dance with the latest findings on safety technology.
The measures in the front-end section include:
• A sturdy firewall crossmember between the two
A-pillars made of super high-strength steel
• Vertical support made of super high-strength steel
on the driver side for supporting the firewall
crossmember against the crossmember under the
wind deflector in order to reduce firewall intrusion
in the area where the steering column penetrates
the firewall.
• Longitudinal members in the upper impact plane
(second longitudinal member plane) with improved
connection to the A-pillars
• Central impact plane featuring longitudinal
members with improved crash kinematics
• Frame-type integral support made of high-strength
steel (engine, steering and front axle mounts are
bolted firmly to the longitudinal members), which is
specifically designed to contribute to deformation
in the event of a frontal impact.
• Front axle with separated front axle control arms
• Additional support structures for protecting the
footwell (pedal floor panel crossmember)
• Full-length floor longitudinal members for
improving the application of force to the floor
• Strut made of super high-strength steel between
the shock absorber tower and wind deflector
crossmember on the driver side for distributing
forces and reducing rearward movement of the
steering and pedals
Passenger cell
The core of the body safety concept is the high-
strength passenger cell in the form of a safety cage.
Its high strength under the stresses of an accident
(frontal, side-on and rear-end collisions as well as roll-
overs) is due to:
• Increased use of high-strength and super high-
strength sheet steel and sheet metal of graduated
wall thicknesses
• Stress-resistant materials and sheet thicknesses
for components or structural zones that are
subjected to high loads in the event of an accident
• More advanced shaping and cross-section designs
Particular emphasis was placed on developing the
strength of the entire side wall. This included:
• Side wall with B-pillar and roof frame made of hot
worked steels, a robust beltline reinforcement
between C-pillar and D-pillar and a roll-formed
rocker panel with lateral and longitudinal
• Transversely rigid floor assembly, a full-width
raised rear seat crossmember and a connecting
carrier between tunnel and rocker panel
• Installation crossmember under instrument panel
between A-pillars
• Stiff rear-end door cutout
• Transversely rigid seats with tubes and impact
elements in the side seat trim parts
• A transversely rigid installation strut between the