If persons, particularly children are subjec-
ted to prolonged exposure to extreme heat
or cold, there is a risk of injury, possibly
even fatal. Never leave children unattended
in the vehicle.
If the child restraint system is subjected to
direct sunlight, parts may get very hot. Chil-
dren may burn themselves on these parts,
particularly on the metal parts of the child
restraint system. There is a risk of injury.
If you leave the vehicle, taking the child with
you, always ensure that the child restraint
system is not exposed to direct sunlight.
Protect it with a blanket, for example. If the
child restraint system has been exposed to
direct sunlight, let it cool down before secur-
ing the child in it. Never leave children unat-
tended in the vehicle.
Child-proof locks for the rear doors
You secure each door individually with the
child-proof locks on the rear doors. A door
secured with a child-proof lock cannot be
opened from inside the vehicle. When the vehi-
cle is unlocked, the door can be opened from
the outside.
To activate: press the child-proof lock lever
up in the direction of arrow
Make sure that the child-proof locks are
working properly.
To deactivate: press the child-proof lock
lever down in the direction of arrow
Override feature for the rear side win-
To activate/deactivate: press button
If indicator lamp
is lit, operation of the
rear side windows is disabled. Operation is
only possible using the switches in the driv-
er's door. If indicator lamp
is off, opera-
tion is possible using the switches in the
rear compartment.
Pets in the vehicle
If you leave animals unsupervised or unse-
cured in the vehicle, they may press buttons
or switches, for instance.
In this way, animals may:
activate vehicle equipment and become
trapped, for example
switch systems on or off and thereby
endanger other road users
Furthermore, unsecured animals may be
flung around inside the vehicle in the event
of an accident or abrupt steering or braking
maneuver, and thereby injure vehicle occu-
pants. There is a risk of accident and injury.
Never leave animals unattended in the vehi-
Always secure animals properly when driv-
ing, for instance with a suitable pet carrier.
Pets in the vehicle