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Accessibility Shortcut: Tap to enter the Accessibility Shortcut screen.
Tap the switch at the top right of the screen to enable which will allow you
enable accessibility functions by pressing and holding the POWER button
or tapping and holding two fingers to the screen.
Text To Speech Output: Tap to enter the Text To Speech Output screen.
Here you can set the Speech Rate, Listen to an Example or set Default
Language Status.
Gesture Screenshot: Tap to turn this option On or Off. Turn On and you
can take a screen shot by dragging the side of your hand from the left to
the right of the screen.
Touch & Hold Delay: Tap to set the delay when you touch and hold.
Quick Boot Mode: Tap to turn this option On or Off. Turn On to enable
Quick Boot mode.
High Speed Mode: Tap to turn this option On or Off. Turn On to enable
High Speed mode.
Screen Record: Tap to select the desired Audio Source when performing
Screen Record.
Printing: Tap to enter the Printing screen.
Tap Cloud Print and the Tablet will search
for available Cloud Printers for you to
choose from.
Developer Options: This option is for
developers and not recommenced to
About Tablet: Tap to view various info
regarding the tablet such as Firmware
Version, Status, Android Version and much