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The programme remains stored on the Memory Card XL after the card has been removed from the unit. It
can however be overwritten at any time by the PC using “Celsius 2005”.
Details on programming the MEMoryCardXL with PC and „Celsius 2005“ can be found
in the Celsius Operating Manual and in the Online Help.
18.4 Documentation on memory card MEMoryCardXL
The actual temperatures can be documented continuously on the memory card while the programme is
running from the chip card. After the programme has been completed they can be read and printed using
“Celsius 2005”. The operation is described in the “Celsius 2005” Operating Manual.
A certain amount of storage space is provided for documentation depending on the programme duration.
The sampling rate is set automatically by the controller depending on the programme duration.
With a programme duration up to 270 hours the documentation of the actual values on the MEMoryCardXL
takes place with a 1-minute cycle. With programmes of longer duration the sampling time is extended up
to 30 min max.
Documentation is started afresh on each programme start; the old report data are overwritten.