HCA InfiniBand Card Installation
Rev 1.5
Mellanox Technologies
The “Usage: openibd {start|stop|restart|status}” command to modify this file and thereby control
the drivers.
Ethernet Driver Usage and Configuration
To assign an IP address to the interface run:
#> ifconfig eth<n> <ip>
where 'n' is the OS assigned interface number.
• To check driver and device information run:
#> ethtool -i eth<n>
#> ethtool -i eth2
driver: mlx4_en (MT_04A0140005)
version: 1.5.1 (March 2010)
firmware-version: 2.7.000
bus-info: 0000:13:00.0
• The mlx4_en parameters can be found under /sys/module/mlx4_en (or /sys/module/mlx4_en/
parameters, depending on the OS) and can be listed using the command:
#> modinfo mlx4_en
To set non-default values to module parameters, the following line should be added to the file/etc/
"options mlx4_en <param_name>=<value> <param_name>=<value> ..."
Ethernet Network Tuning
To improve network perfomance by tuning your network see the Mellanox Performance Tuning
Guide located at:
Cables and Modules
=> Products => Cables for certified and approved cable recommenda-
4.4.1 Cable Installation
All cables can be inserted or removed with the unit powered on. To insert a cable, press the con-
nector into the port receptacle until the connector is firmly seated. The GREEN LED indicator will
light when the physical connection is established (that is, when the unit is powered on and a cable
is plugged into the port with the other end of the connector plugged into a functioning port). After
plugging in a cable, lock the connector using the latching mechanism particular to the cable ven-
dor. When a logical connection is made the YELLOW LED will come on. When data is being
transferred the yellow led will blink.