MT-300 Pico Broadcaster
Operator Manual
3.2 General Description
Figure 1 - Typical Setup for Device configuration and TVWS access
The MT300 is an easy to use Fixed TV bands device using a VSB modulator that is
designed to provide low-power transmission of a DTV compatible signal over a limited
area. It is designed to not interfere with licensed broadcast transmissions and complies
with the FCC CFR 47 Part 15 subpart H rules for TV Band devices. It is designed to
work with the tuner input of any Digital TV sold in North America. The MT300 is
designed to accept properly formatted MPEG2 transport streams from a local PC running
VLC or similar streaming software or a media server. The transmitted signal is compliant
with the tuner input of a Digital TV receiver.
3.4 Intellectual Property Warning
Some of the concepts described in this document are protected by appropriate patent
protections or other legal means. These areas are identified in the text as being
proprietary. For additional information on these subjects please contact MELD directly.
The device described herein is protected by US Patent #8,063,996, other patents pending.
3.5 System Architecture