be considered as urban waste: its disposal must the-
refore be carried out by separate collection. Disposal
in a non-separate manner may constitute a potential
harm to the environment and health. This product
can be returned to the distributor when purchasing
a new device. Improper disposal of the appliance
constitutes misconduct and is subject to sanctions
by the Public Security Authority. For further informa-
tion, contact the local administration responsible for
environmental matters.
Melchioni Ready s.r.l., based in Milan (Italy), via Col-
letta 37, recognizes a conventional guarantee on the
product for a period of two years from the date of
the first purchase by the consumer. This guarantee
does not affect the validity of the legislation in force
concerning consumer goods (Legislative Decree 6
September 2005 n. 206 art. 128 and following), of
which the consumer remains the owner. This gua-
rantee applies to the entire territory of the European
The components or parts that are found to be de-
fective for ascertained manufacturing causes will
be repaired or replaced free of charge through the
dealer, during the above warranty period. Melchioni