In Files app, users can view all files and folders stored on the phone disk . Users can deal
with all files and folders such as copy, delete, move, encrypt, etc.
Tap Files icon on the Home screen to launch the app.
Storage and cleaning
On the top of Files homepage, the interface will show the storage status of the phone.
And the 'Clean now' option allows users to clean junk files in the phone by directing to
Security's Cleaner feature.
Open 'Files', tap a folder to open it. Tapping a file will automatically open it in its default
application. For instance, for music files, tapping on a song will automatically open the
Music app and the song will start playing.
Editing files
You can batch copy or move files from one folder to another. You can also change
file names. In the Files app,
hold a file
to select the desired file, then tap "... " to
“Select all”, “Copy”, “Rename”, “Compress”, “Encrypt” and other operations.
The last viewed folder is remembered on exit, which means the same content will be displayed the
next time users open Documents. Tap the Back key to return to the directory folder.
App Guide 40
Recent files
When entering Files app, recent files will be displayed under a 'Recent' section.
This function can facilitate users' searching.
Edit files
Users can copy or move file(s) from one folder to another. Users can also rename
the files. In the Files app, tap the selection bullet right to the file name or
folder name and then tap to execute operations such as 'Select all', 'Copy',
'Rename', 'Compress', 'Move to vault', 'Share', 'Upload to Cloud', and 'Open via
other apps'.
Move files
Open Documents and then select one or multiple files which users intend to move;
Tap to enter the moving page.