Meizu developers have created a rich variety of applications. Users can check all
the apps in App
Tap the 'App
' icon
on the Home screen to launch the app.
4G or WLAN network will bring users better experience with faster loading speed.
This section displays the apps which picked out by editors and illustrated with fine
pictures and instructions.
The Top app list is ranked by the combined calculation of rates, downloads,
installations and purchasing etc. There are two ranking lists: Top Apps and Top Games.
Users can check whichever interests them the most.
The apps under this tab are all popular and fun games. Users can find more joy in
this section that dedicated to game-lovers.
This page displays wallpaper resources, which users can download and apply on
their phones.
Search for apps
Users can easily search an app through the top search box. When there is a searching
result list, tap the wanted app to enter its detail pagewhere users can download, review
and share the app.
Personal center
After entering the App Center, tap the profile image on the upper right corner of the
screen to enter Personal Center where users can organize local apps and check their
Flyme account information. Users can uninstall and update software in this page
App Center
App Guide 39