- 21 -
Remarks: to set interval for heartbeat.
Data: in unit of minutes
data=0, to turn off this function;
data=1~65535, set interval for heartbeat.
In this example, the tracker will send heartbeat every 10 minutes.
Set Sensitivity of Tremble
Remarks: Send this command to set sensitivity of tremble sensor
XX=[1,255], it will be more sensitive if XX is smaller.
Default value is 30.
Example: W000000,035,30
Heading Change Report
Remarks: when the heading direction of the tracker changes over the preset degree, a message with location data will be sent
back to the server by GPRS.
Degree=0, to turn off this function;
Degree=[1,360], to set degree of direction change.
For more information regarding GPRS tracking please refer to GPRS Communication Protocol
Sleep Mode
Remarks: this setting is for power saving.
X=0 turn off sleep mode
X=1 Level I
X=2 Level II
X=3 Level III
Here is some explanation for the sleep mode.
GPS module will be closed for 64 seconds * X ( X=1, 2, 3), if it gets continuous GPS fixed for 32 times or Non-GPS fixed for 128
times. After that, GPS module will periodically work and close.
Power Down
Remarks: Put the tracker in power down mode when it is inactive (stationary) or immobile for a period of time.
In Power Down mode, GPS stops working, GSM enters sleep mode and stops sending out messages. The device remains in this
mode until it is activated by message, incoming calls, movement or input changes.
XX=00, to turn off this function;
XX=01~99, to turn on Power Down after a specified period of being inactive. It is in unit of minutes.
In this example, the tracker will enter power down mode after it is inactive for 10 minutes.
Listen-in (Voice Monitoring)
Remarks: T is the telephone number for wiretapping and max. 16 digits.
Set Log Interval
Remarks: to set the interval for storing GPS data into tracker‟s flash memory.
(Note: this interval is not relevant to the interval of SMS/GPRS tracking)