- 11 -
servers IP is not properly set. You can first use this command to set DNS Server IP (please check with your
DNS server provider for the DNS Server IP) and then redo the command W******,012,IP, Port.
: W000000,009,
7.6.5 Enable GPRS Tracking
: W******,013,X
: Enable GPRS tracking function.
X=0, to turn off GPRS tracking (default);
X=1, to enable GPRS tracking via TCP;
X=2, to enable GPRS tracking via UDP.
: W000000,013,1
7.6.6 Set GPRS Interval
: W******,014,XXXXX
: Set time interval for sending GPRS packets.
XXXXX should be in five digits and in unit of 10 seconds.
XXXXX=00000, to turn off this function;
XXXXX=00001~65535, time interval for sending GPRS packet and in unit of 10 seconds.
: W000000,014,00060
In this example, the tracker will send every 600 seconds (10 minutes).
For more information regarding GPRS tracking please refer to GPRS Communication Protocol
7.7 Track by GpsGate
The GT30i supports GpsGate Software.
Please contact our company or GpsGate for more information for settings.
8. Authorization
: W******,003,F,P,T1 or W******,003,F,P,T1,T2 (optional)
: Authorize phone numbers for the buttons/inputs, receiving location reports, SMS alarms or
phone calls.
F=0, to turn off this function; (default)
F=1, only send SMS to the authorized phone number;
F=2, only call the authorized phone number;
F=3, both SMS and calling.
P=1, set an authorized number for SOS button (Input 1);
P=2, set an authorized number for B button (Input 2);
P=3, set an authorized number for C button (Input 3).
T1: Preset phone number. Max.16 digits.