11 Technical Appendix
11.3 TERMINAL (Console)
To connect a serial terminal (according to the device model), use the 9pin RS-232 D-Sub connector in the
front panel or the RJ45 connector of the LAN-CPU. Via the serial terminal connection it is possible to con-
figure parameters with a command line interface. You have to use a NULL-MODEM cable (D-Sub) or a
CAB-CONSOLE-RJ45 cable to establish a connection to your PC or Laptop computer.
You can use e.g. the standard Hyperterminal program shipped with your Windows operating system. Configure
your terminal program with 38400 Baud, 8 Databits, no parity and 1 Stopbit. The terminal emulation have to
set to VT100. After connecting to the timeserver there will be displayed the login message (press RETURN for
first connection; default user: root password: timeserver).
11.4 USB Connector
Most LANTIME M-Series products come with a USB interface for connectiong a USB storage device, e.g. a
USB stick. This USB stick can be used for different tasks in combination with the LANTIME:
Saving the LANTIME configuration
Transfer configuration parameters between different LANTIMEs
Keypad locking for secure using the keypad of the LCD (only systems with display and function keys)
Saving and transfer of log files
Install Firmware Updates
Upload and download secure certificates (SSL, SSH) and passwords
Date: 28th May 2021