Deleting results
There are two delete functions; delete a
single result and delete all results.
Select the bin icon on the central rotary
switch. The first record indicated
contains the result of the last test
performed. Up/down arrows navigate
through records and the OK button is
used to select delete where the ‘X’
changes to a tick and the on screen bin icon flashes. A
subsequent press of the OK button activates the deletion.
The default delete is a single test result, press the right arrow
button to select delete all test results from memory.
Real-time output during insulation tests
PowerDB or PowerDB Lite can be used to record real time
data output from the MIT525, MIT1025 and MIT1525 models.
Voltage, current and resistance data is sent at a rate 1 Hz from
the IRT and displayed in real time on a graph, e.g. a plot of
current (
A) versus voltage (kV) for the ramp test.
Before running a test where a real time output is required,
attach a PC running PowerDB Pro, PowerDB Advanced or
PowerDB Lite via a USB cable. Check the product CD
provided with the instrument for a folder named, “Megger
USB.” If this folder exists, use it when starting PowerDB for the
first time to find the driver, if not allow the operating system to
search the internet for the driver. Check the serial port
allocation on Device Manager, and enter the serial port
number allocated when starting PowerDB. PowerDB offers
instructions specific to MIT525, MIT1025 and MIT1525
regarding the real time capture procedure.
Start the application and activate real time data capture in the
form of choice. As soon as the test is started real time data
output will begin. When the test is complete ensure that the
form is saved in PowerDB Pro/Advanced/Lite.