Megasquirt 2Extra (V3 board), 1997 Parallel Installation
Safety instruction from MS2 build manual (http://www.megamanual.com/ms2/V3assemble.htm):
Use an Ohmmeter (digital multi-meter set on resistance) to check the resistance between the three voltage
regulator holes. The voltage regulator is U5, near the DB9 connector in the top left side of the board (on the
heat sink). The resistance between any two of these three holes should be infinite. If it is not, contact the
supplier you bought the kit from. (This test ensures that the 12 Volt supply, 5 Volt internal supply, and ground
are not shorted together.)
MS2 Extra build instructions (http://www.msextra.com/doc/ms2extra/build_manual.htm)
3) Start the build by soldering in the 2 connectors (37pinned and 9 pinned items)
4) Next get all the bags of resistors together, keeping them in the bags. (R1, etc)
Find R12, R37, R38, R43, R39 and R57. Put them out of the way, you don’t need any of them, but R43 may
come in handy later. Solder the holes on the board for R39 so you don't accidentally fit it. (The rest will be fine
as you shouldn't find these in the parts to fit if you've put them to one side)
Note from JBPerf.com: If using the external injectors, remove
R21, R22,R23.
BM Note: If it’s a parallel install, don’t install R4 and R7 or the Coolant and Intake temp signals will be
incorrect for the stock ECU. Removing these means these inputs won’t work if you’re running on a
5) Now solder all of the rest of the resistors in place. Note: There is no polarity for resistors, so they can fit in
either way round.