Before applying load, lock the mounting plate rotating mechanism. Using a hoist, suspend the engine at a level
with the mounting plate. With the mounting arms loose from the mounting plate (but not removed), bolt the
mounting arms to the rear of the engine using the bell housing mounting bolts (bolts not supplied). Make sure
the engine is centered and straight on the mounting plate, then tighten the mounting arms to the engine and to
the mounting plate. After making sure all connections are tight, SLOWLY lower the hoist, transferring the load
to the stand. To remove the engine from the stand, first attach the hoist to the engine using a sling or similar
device. After the hoist and sling are secured to the engine, raise the hoist, taking the load off the stand. The
mounting bolts can be removed freeing the stand from the engine.
A complete visual inspection must be made before each use of the stand. Check for broken or cracked welds,
excessive rust and loose, damaged or missing parts. Check that the wheels and castors operate smoothly.
Also check that the mounting plate rotation lock works properly before applying load. If any problems as de-
scribed above or otherwise are found, remove the stand from service. Also inspect the label, making sure that
it is legible and securely attached to the stand. If not, it must be replaced. If the stand has been or is believed
to have been subjected to an abnormal load or shock load, you must inspect the stand IMMEDIATELY before
putting the stand into or resuming service. If you are unsure about the condition of the stand, contact an au-
thorized service center or the importer.
Keep the stand clean and well lubricated. Lubricate all wheel axles with motor oil or light machine oil and
grease the castor swivel bearings once a year or as necessary. Also apply a thin coat of grease to the mount-
ing plate rotating mechanism as necessary, but at least once a year.