NPG-10/100k generator is a powerful and smart device. In spite of its compact
size and small number of control elements it implements a lot of operation
regimes and high output power according to the user demands. Please read this
manual carefully to be familiar with the basic operation principles.
The generator has open and short load protection as well as overheating
protection. However, it is strongly prohibited to switch on the generator
without output cable or use less than 3 meters length output cable.
The generator can operate in a single pulse, continuous and burst operation modes,
as well as internal or external triggering. The generator’s control system provides
quartz stabilized triggering pulses in continuous and burst operation modes and
prevents improper triggering in case of external triggering mode. The complete list
of the preset frequencies and the preset number of pulses in a burst are shown in
Appendix A.
In all operation modes, the minimum pulse-to-pulse interval is limited to
9.9 µs, which corresponds to 101 kHz repetition rate; the maximum
number of pulses within any one-second interval is limited to 10000.
Therefore, the maximum operation frequency in continuous mode is 10
kHz. Higher repetition rates are available in burst mode only.
The following operation parameters can be set by the front panel controls:
FREQUENCY from 1 Hz to 101 kHz, the default value is 100 Hz;
NUMBER OF PULSES in the burst (within one-second interval) from 1
to 10000, the default value is 1000;
Output PULSE ENERGY from 50% to 99%, the default value is 75%.
If the currently set repetition rate in Hz is lower than or equal to the set number of
pulses (within one-second interval) then the generator operates in continuous
mode, otherwise, it switches into burst mode automatically. The period of bursts is
fixed to one second. So, FREQUENCY parameter sets the time interval between
pulses, while NUMBER OF PULSES sets the burst length or number of pulses
followed by a pause up to the end of the one-second interval.
The FREQUENCY and NUMBER OF PULSES parameters work as the
limits for the external triggering pulses. Therefore, FREQUENCY sets the
maximum allowable external pulses frequency (minimum interval between
pulses) and NUMBER OF PULSES sets the maximum burst length or the
maximum number of pulses within each one-second interval. By the way,
the generator’s control system prevents overloading and damage to the
generator in case of improper external triggering.