Aalto Behavioral Laboratory
Operation Instruction
Cleaning: After the use, clean the sensor using a water and mild soap with dampened cloth.
6.1.1 Calibration
Resistors (100kOhm and 300 kOhm) can be used to calibrate the system.
Detailed guide for calibration procedure can be found from “800576-1.1, ME6000 sensor guide for
Image 2: 100kOhm and 300 kOhm resistors.
6.2) EMG
Electromyography (EMG) records electrical activity of the muscles. Surface electrodes (sEMG) are
used in ABL, so activations are restricted to the superficial muscles
Prefilled disposable Ag/Ag Cl electrodes are used. Each sensor consists of the three electrodes (1
ground and 2 measuring electrodes). Prepare the skin by cleaning it with an alcohol wipes. Attach
electrodes to electrode patch, and then to the skin. Attach the electrodes to the skin above the
muscle. Place the ground electrode at least 10 cm from measuring electrodes. Use tape if needed.