Follow steps 1-4.
Use the joiner hoses to link the drain and water
lines together between the units.
Press all the buttons to flush out any air bubbles and
old water in the lines.
Run all the taps for 10 seconds.
Check for leaks.
If a leak is found turn off the water
and check connections.
Connect the water hose from the tap to
the first or last unit.
Connect the drain hose to the first or last unit.
Turn on the tap.
Note: The unit has to have a drain
hose connected to drain.
Here at
Meet Pat
we are very safety conscious. We design and manufacture water related
products with the safety of you, the user, foremost in mind. In addition, we ask that you exercise
a degree of care when using any Meet Pat product and adhere to a common sense approach.
- Do not set the units up near live exposed electrical connections or wiring.
- Do not set up in high wind areas.
- If the hoses pass over traffic areas use approved hose trip covers.
Please refer to our website
for full safety, setup and warranty info.
Read this before setting up
Set up -