Getting Started:
Controlling the ozone level into the water
The Medklinn O3 Hydro 5 ozone level is controlled by turning the knob of the O2 Control to increase or decrease the level
ozone generation. It is advisable to keep the flow rate between 1 - 1.5 lpm.
Getting Started:
Turn on the device
1. Plug the power inlet to the AC power supply.
2. Connect both hoses provided to the device (Refer to "Getting Started: Connecting the hose", page 8).
3. Turn on the water supply.
4. Turn on the ON/OFF button.
5. Make sure that the flow rate of the O2 Control is between 1- 1.5 lpm.
Before: O2 Control
when device is at rest
After: O2 Control when device
is in operation
Ball Bearing
Ball Bearing is floating