Deregister handset
Initially enter with the number keys the valid phone PIN (factory setting is
0000) and confirm with the left function key (OK).
Then select a handset that you want to deregister from the base station.
The handset you are currently using can not be deregistered from the
base station.
Confirm your entry with the left function key (OK).
The handset has now been deregistered and must be re-registered if it is to
be used again on the base station.
Dialling mode
Here you can adapt your telephone to the dialling mode of your network
provider. You can choose between tone dialling and pulse dialling. The
factory setting is
. That is the most common dialling mode today. Pulse
dialling can be necessary for some older telephone systems.
Enquire of your network provider which dialling mode is required for your
If you want to change the dialling mode, select TONE or PULSE and
confirm your choice with the left function key (OK).