Rev. D 2018-11
Regulations and declaration of manufacturer- Electromagnetic compatibility,
interference emission
Précise 6000
is intended for use in an environment as described below. The operator of
Précise 6000
must make sure that the unit is operated in such an environement.
Immunity test
IEC/EN 60601-
test level
Electromagnetic environment -
according to
IEC 61000-4-6
IEC 61000-4-3
3 V rms
150 kHz
to 80 MHz
3 V/m
80 MHz to
2,5 GHz
3 V rms
3 V/m
Portable and mobile radio equipment should
not be used closer to the
Précise 6000
and the
leads, than the safety distance calculated by
using the equation applicable for the
transmission frequency.
Recommended safety distance:
d= 1,2 * root from P
d= 1,2 * root from P; for 80 MHz to 800 MHz
d= 2,3 * root from P; for 800 MHz to 2,5 GHz
with P being the rated power of the transmitter
in Watt (W) acc. to the specifications of the
transmitter manufacturer and d being the
recommended safety distance in meters (m)
According to an in-situ examination² the field
intensity of stationary radio transmitters is with
all frquencies lower than the compatibility
Note 1:
For 80 MHz and 800 MHz the higher is valid.
Note 2:
These regulations may not apply in all situations. The propagation of electromagnetic waves is
influenced by the absorption and reflection by building, objects and persons.
² The field intensity of stationary transmitters, such as base stations of radiophones and land mobile
services, amateur stations, Am- and FM-radio and television stations con theoretically not be
exactly predetermined. In order to determine the electromagnetic environment and the effect of
stationary HF transmitter, it is recommend to examine the corresponding location. If the detected
field intensity at the location of the
Précise 6000
exceeds the compatibility level specified above,
Précise 6000
must be examined at a different location, with respect to ist normal operation. If
unusual performance characteristics are detected, it may be necessary to apply additional
measures, such as reorientation or relocation of the
Précise 6000
³ Beyond the frequency range from 150 kHz to 80 MHz the field intensity is less than 3 V/m.