EasyOne Pro™ / EasyOne Pro™ LAB
NLHEP Interpretation
The following diagram outlines the criteria
EasyOne Pro™
applies in the
automatic interpretation after NLHEP (see
1. LLN = Lower limit of normal
2. If FEV6 is selected instead of FVC, FEV6 will be used for the interpreta-
tion instead of FVC.
3. If the selected predicted value publication does not define a lower
limit of normal (LLN), LLN is calculated as predicted value - 1.645 x
RSD (residual standard deviation). If RSD is not defined, the LLN for
FEV1/FVC is set at 90% of the predicted value, the LLN for FEV1 at
80% of the predicted value and the LLN for FVC at 80% of the predic-
ted value.
4. If the quality grade is D and the results are within the limits, the fol-
lowing interpretation will be output: "normal spirometry, insufficient
test quality, data not suitable for comparison".