Withdraw your Walker immediately if any of the wheels become
difficult to turn or do not feel securely attached to the frame or if
you suspect damage or any other fault.
5. Monthly Checks - check that all locking pins are properly secure . Check
that no components are loose. Check the adjustment to your brakes.
Check castors.
6. Do not use any parts or accessories to your Walker manufactured by
another company. To do so will annul your warranty and may seriously
compromise your safety.
7. We suggest that you check your Walker visually every day. We
recommend that you should have your Walker serviced every three
months or less if used by, or issued to, various users.
Clean your Walker using a non-abrasive cleaner or mild detergent and a
soft cloth. Abrasive cleaners e.g. AJAX and/ or abrasive cleaning pads may
seriously damage the product beyond repair and should not be used. Always
ensure that you wipe the equipment dry after cleaning.
Please conduct a safety check of the product at regular intervals or if you
have any Concerns.