Wearing recommendation
Always ensure that the Velcro tabs are
placed on the corresponding landing
Always ensure that the correct
prescribed pressure range is being
Slightly loosen the bands of the garment
for night-time wear.
Each vertical BPS line on the bands may
be at a different location on the leg
depending on the size and shape of the
leg. They do not need to be aligned down
the front center of the leg or in any other
specific location on the leg.
If experiencing any pain, immediately
remove the garment.
When bands are placed correctly they
should slightly overlap, leaving no space
between bands.
Do not tuck bands. The Velcro tabs
should never touch the skin!
The legging should never hurt. If any
pain is being experienced, the legging
should be removed immediately and a
physician should be contacted.
Donning the circaid® juxtafit®
premium lower leg:
Step 1: Slide the circaid undersleeve onto
the lower leg and over the knee. The
cuffed edge of the undersleeve should
cover the heel. Ensure that there are no
wrinkles in the undersleeve.
Step 2: Align the garment just above the
ankle bone and below the knee crease.
The black side of the material should
face the skin. Unroll the top two bands
and loosely secure them to the outside
of the garment to anchor the legging in
place. This enables you to easily raise or
lower the garment for correct
The bottom most band can be identified
by the circaid-logo on the black side of
the material.
Step 3: Unroll the bottom two bands and
secure the bottom most band to the
outside of the legging to a firm and
comfortable compression level.
Step 4:
While holding the second band, detach
the next band. Secure the second band
and continue this process with the other
bands, going up the leg.
Step 5: The garment should lay flat and
wrinkle-free against the leg. Adjust each
band to a firm and comfortable
compression level. Ensure that the
bands are placed in an alternating order.
Step 6: Once all bands are secured,
inspect the garment for any gaps or
creases. Adjust the bands as necessary.
Step 7: Donning the circaid compression
First fold the bottom part of the circaid
undersleeve over the bottom edge of the
circaid garment. Slide the circaid
compression anklet onto the foot and
ensure that it is pulled high enough so
that it overlaps with the circaid juxtafit
garment. Ensure that there are no
wrinkles in the anklet.
Doffing the circaid® juxtafit®
premium lower leg
To remove the garment, remove the
circaid compression anklet first. Then
unfold the circaid undersleeve. Detach
all bands of the legging starting with the
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