Mains Wiring:
The live supply to one fan speed controller is connected through “one channel” (A or B) of the CM2M-K.
The “supply“ is taken in to “Live in” and back out via “Live out” and then connected to the speed controller.
This can then be repeated for another fan using the second channel.
Live feed through the
Medem CM2M-K channel current
Fan speed
Fan live
Where using 3 phase fans
interlock on a single phase
6 core low voltage
+/- 12v Power
S1 = Supply Fan N/C contact
E1 = Extract Fan N/C contact
Fan Interlock Connections
Connections at the main panel
There is a fine adjustment using the potentiometer labelled “Gain” and a coarse adjustment by means of jumper
The CM2M-K is set at its most sensitive (lowest current required) position.
By turning the potentiometer anti-clockwise, the amount of current required to operate the unit is increased.
To further increase the amount of current required to operate the unit, the jumper can be moved from the Lowest
Trip Level (smallest amount of current = most sensitive), to either the low, medium, high or highest trip level
setting (most amount of current = least sensitive).
A Jumper link must be fitted on both channels course adjust setting, even if only one is being used
Always ensure that when the fan is switched off, the red LED goes out (this may take a few seconds).
Especially important on lighted canopies.
Sensitivity adjustment
Course adjust
Fine adjust