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Vibrator Output Pulses
The Vibra-Call 3 receiver has specially defined vibrator output pulses for each type alert signal received. (See the
Reference Guide below).
Alarm Vibration Reference Chart And Switch Designation:
Sound SW #1
3 short vibrations
Telephone SW #2
1 long vibration
Doorbell SW #3
2 short vibrations
Weather SW #4
1 short vibration and 1 long
CO SW #5
3 short vibrations and1
long vibration
Fire SW #6
Continuous short
Smoke detector SW #6
Continuous short
Battery Backup Mode
In the event of a power failure, the Vibra-Call 3 Docking Port will automatically enter into battery backup mode.
Note: Programmed transmitter codes are retained in memory even when the power is removed.
Last Alert Signal Recall Buttons
To recall the last sent signal, press each of the six buttons on the top side of the Vibra-Call 3 receiver, one at a time.
The receiver will vibrate only when you press the button that identifies which transmitter sent the signal.
Fire/Smoke Detector Supervision
The Vibra-Call 3 receiver constantly supervises up to 4 smoke detectors or fire transmitters, or combination, to
ensure proper communication and operation. If, after 20 minutes, the receiver does not receive the supervision
signal, it will assume there is a smoke or fire detector failure or communication fault, and the unit will send a
notification as follows:
1 short vibration if detector 1 is at fault; 2 short vibrations if detector 2 is at fault;
3short vibrations if detector 3 is at fault; 4 short vibrations if detector 4 is at fault.